Does Payroll Still Fall Under HR Or Has That Changed?

Facebook Twitter Envelope Whatsapp Linkedin-in Reddit-alien Payroll and HR have always been considered different functions in an organisation. Payroll would typically deal with paying employees, whereas HR would deal with the “people” issues like recruitment, performance management and grievances. The Payroll function would normally either fall under HR or Finance. This functional divide between HR […]

Lessons Learnt As A Business Owner During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Facebook Twitter Envelope Whatsapp Linkedin-in Reddit-alien As they say – hindsight is a perfect science. Never miss an opportunity to learn from unique circumstances. It is safe to say that 2020 can be classified as unique in many ways. As a business owner I have learnt the following lessons during the last 6 months: –          Cloud […]

Outsourcing Of Executive Payrolls

Facebook Twitter Envelope Whatsapp Linkedin-in Reddit-alien The tendency to outsource executive payrolls is far higher than with other payrolls. The main reasons for this are: Confidentiality. Businesses often want to keep the pay of their executives confidential, even to the payroll department. Complexity. Executive payrolls often have unique complexities around incentive schemes, bonus schemes, share […]

5 Reasons Why Payroll Outsourcing Has Become More Popular In The Covid-19 World

Facebook Twitter Envelope Whatsapp Linkedin-in Reddit-alien ince the Covid-19 lockdown was announced in late March 2020, we have noticed a substantial increase in the interest shown by businesses for Payroll Outsourcing services. This might also be true for other types of Outsourced services. We have found the main reasons to be the following: Businesses who […]

COVID -19: How Can You Use Technology To Re-Open Your Business?

Facebook Twitter Envelope Whatsapp Linkedin-in Reddit-alien We recently re-opened our business to certain staff members and therefore had to ensure we adhere to certain requirements. Covid-19 regulations require that these people confirm that they have read our COVID-19 Workplace Policy. Employees also have to complete Table 1 of the COVID-19 workplace policy. Table 1 asks […]


Facebook Twitter Envelope Whatsapp Linkedin-in Reddit-alien Many of our customers have asked us whether they are eligible to claim TERS and how it works. Although everyone has access to the Gazette and other official documents, people often want re-assurance that they are “on the right track”. There is also an information overload, with many websites […]

Cloud Payroll Outsourcing Knows No Boundaries

Facebook Twitter Envelope Whatsapp Linkedin-in Reddit-alien Payroll Outsourcing service providers who use cloud technology have the ability to service businesses in multiple locations, countries and jurisdictions. This is mainly because of two reasons:  Cloud technology is accessible from anywhere provided you have internet connectivity, Cloud payroll technology stacks often provide localisation for multiple countries and in […]

Splitting Increases – A Sound Principle For Salary Increases

Facebook Twitter Envelope Whatsapp Linkedin-in Reddit-alien Often during increase time we are so busy with everything that surrounds increases that we forget to consider the why and how of increases. Here are some points for reflection to consider and to ensure we allow for enough planning and structure during this important time.   1. Inflationary […]

9 Things To Look Out For When Selecting A Payroll Outsource Service Provider

Facebook Twitter Envelope Whatsapp Linkedin-in Reddit-alien 1. Continuity and segregation of duties Bigger isn’t always better but in this case it normally is. You want to choose a service provider that has a large enough team so that your business isn’t over-reliant on one person or account manager. A larger team also allows the service provider […]

DNA Outsourcing Uses Netcash

Facebook Twitter Envelope Whatsapp Linkedin-in Reddit-alien DNA Outsourcing uses Netcash as its’ preferred Payment Gateway for Payroll related payments in South Africa. RECENT POST

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